The TVA Roundtable and VA Fish and Wildlife Commission co-sponsored a canoe float trip on a section of the North Fork of the Holston River on Saturday, October 23. For $5 per person you got a boat, paddles, life vests, lunch, a guide and a little education on the health of local Virginia rivers. It was a deal we couldn't pass up. After meeting at the commission office in Abingdon, VA, we headed out for our put-in location, about 3 miles upriver from Mendota.

It was misty and drizzly all morning, but clearing skies were forecast, so the decision was made to go forward. The shot above is from the swinging bridge where we launched the canoes. You can see it was pretty overcast.

We all had some gear to tote along with us. Apart from barely being able to swim, I could never take up kayaking because there'd be no place to put my stuff! I ended up with a food bag - our lunches were packed in paper bags, so it was lucky I had that one - a gear bag with camera stuff, tissues, rain poncho, etc., and I had to have that stuff, right? Then I had two blankets to sit on in the bottom of the canoe, and I'm old enough that I had to have those, too, so they don't count. So, maybe I didn't overpack after all ?!?

You can see by the way the Craleys are dressed, it was cool as well as wet. If it had been a misty day in August, we'd all have been out of our boats.

Here are Nadja, Alex, and Mike heading out.

This is really the only shot I have of Cait because she was in our boat. She paddled awhile, and then I paddled some, too. Tom and I had a canoe years ago, but gradually went to bigger boats. It felt good to be back in a canoe again, and I think we'll be watching the ads for a couple of good used boats.

Lexi and I were both snapping pictures. Here's a good one of her.

It's easy to lose time on the river, so I'm not sure how long we paddled till we stopped for lunch. Maybe 1 1/2 hours. Here Nadja and Mike enjoy their subway sandwich, chips, cookies, and water, that was provided. We added in some Pepsi and Goldfish and ate like royalty.

A few houses and some farmland line this section of the river. It was all pretty scenic and we'll have to drive back over that way to make sure we can find our way back to the same spot. We'd like to do it in summer on a prettier day.

Here's Justin, our guide, from the Fish and Wildlife Commission. Not only is he very knowledgeable, he has learned how to travel light.

This nice little beach is where we all put-in. Justin had scouted this spot a few days earlier and told us there was seven more feet of beach then. There was a hard rain the night before our trip and the river was running high and muddy.

Occasionally we had to wait for other boats to catch up, and here the Craleys are taking a break. Look at that mountainside behind them....there was scenery like this all along the river. Because of the mist, the pictures don't do it justice.

There were several little riffles and we dragged bottom a time or two. It was hard to pick a line with the water so muddy, but we didn't do too badly. A few of them we flew right through and that was fun!

There were some pretty good rock faces here and there mixed in with the farmland and here's a small one. I couldn't get a good shot of the big ones because the Craley boat was always somewhere else. Those darned kids. Too busy having fun.

Here's a better shot, and though this rock was closest to the water, it was by no means the highest we passed. That's a railroad bridge in the distance.

Just around this bend is the bridge where we took out the boats, so this is the last pretty shot of the river. We had a great day on the water, in spite of the weather, and the girls were so worn out they fell asleep in the car.

And this one I titled "We Made It" in my files. One of the gals snapped this of all of us to commemorate our first canoe trip down here in Virgnia. We all had fun and can't wait to get back out there on the water. If we don't have our own boats by spring, there's another trip planned on the Clinch River in May. We'll be signing up.