Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Twins Next Door

You know spring has arrived when lambs begin to appear in the pastures. I took a walk last evening to visit Charlie Grizzle's sheep and try to count the lambs that have been roaming the fields with their mamas. I counted sixteen, but I'm not sure I got them all. There were at least three sets of twins, and they were all staying close to mom.

I took as many pictures as their guards would allow. There are two Great Pyranees (sorry, I just don't know how to spell that!) in with these sheep and they take their job seriously. They barked the whole time I was there, and I guarantee, they bothered the sheep a lot more than I did.

Still, I braved the barking as long as I could, and got some cute pictures. Aren't these little lambs sweet? I love having twins next door!

In the shot below you can see the Ervin-Penley house in the upper right corner. This old house is down below us in the hollow and I wrote about it in a previous post.

Welcome, Spring!


Anonymous said...

AWWWW! So cute! My hearts going pitter-patter. No baby goats? *winks*

Unknown said...

OH, the babies are so cute, especially the twins! Precious. I may have to come visit just to see the sheep.