Friday, March 20, 2009

What's the Fun of Blogging if You Can't Show Off the Grandkids??

Our youngest granddaughter turned six months old on March 19 and Jen is really good about taking pictures on all these important dates. I stole these photos from Jen's blog, because, hey, what's the fun of blogging if you can't show off the grandkids! I am going to have to seriously start searching for Native American ancestors. Jen swears she didn't fix Ella's hair into this mohawk. Yep, it just goes that way naturally. Boy, is she going to hate these pictures when she's a teenager!
Uh-oh, Mommy is just taking pictures of Ella and not Chloe.....but, but Chloe's been the star of the show for almost two years! Aren't you going to take my picture, Mommy??!!

Well, okay, if you smile pretty.

This is classic. Chloe pokes Ella.

Ella pokes back.
Can't you picture this in two or three years? The Anderson family will be piled in their minivan heading down Route 81 toward MaMaw and PaPaw's house. Ella says, "She poked me!" Chloe says (louder) "She hit me!" Ella says (louder still) "She poked me again," pokes Chloe, and screams. Chloe smacks Ella and yells, "Be quiet."
Jen turns up the radio. Matt pulls off at the next exit and turns around.
NO, wait, no -- it'll never happen that way! I swear!
Could this dear little girl ever be mean to her sister? No, take it from me. The little sisters are always good.

Jen, who was the big sister, is right now saying, "Hey!" But as all little sisters know, I only speak the truth.
Keep laughing, Jen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Matt has a Native American ancestor, actually.... and I already have my eye on El because I *know* the little sisters always start it! :P