While Tom and I were looking at a house last weekend, a man came by in a truck. His name was Charlie Grizzle, and we had a nice talk with him. His name struck me, as my great-grandfather Abe Lane's second wife was Florence Grizzle. So, I asked him.....and sure enough, Florence was his great-aunt. I did some checking later on Don Lane's wonderful genealogy CD, and I am related to Charlie at least three ways, not including Florence! If we are lucky enough to buy the house we were looking at, Charlie will be our neighbor, and I'm real excited about that. When he was about to leave, Charlie asked us if we liked country eggs, and we said, yes sir! So he reached down beside his seat and pulled out a bag of six big brown eggs and gave them to us. He had just taken them from the coop. We had them the next morning with biscuits, gravy and bacon, and boy, were they good!
We've had pears, blueberries, peaches and tomatoes from Bob and Wanda; zucchini and yellow squash, and tomatoes from Helen and Calvin Calhoun (she was my mother's first cousin); corn on the cob from Anna Bell, next door; and marigolds and tomatoes from Mary, also next door on the other side. We have eaten well.......

....as does just about everybody down here. The photo below was taken from our laundry room window. Several deer have been coming down into the yard in the wee hours every morning to help themselves to apples from the big tree out back. Sometimes it's two, sometimes four come together. This lone little buck came in the daytime and I grabbed the camera. We've seen them stand up on their hind legs and paw at the apples to knock them down. Tom took a few apples and put them up closer to the house, near our bird feeders, and sure enough, the deer have been coming right up to get them.

The deer saw me snapping away, and wandered off through the yard of the little house where my Grandma Peters lived when I last saw her. I need to get out there and take some pictures of it. Like all the buildings right in this area, it's part of our family history.

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