Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Bounty Continues

All summer long a steady stream of produce found its way to our door from our wonderful neighbors, Odas Qualls, Charlie Grizzle, and James Carter. We had corn, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, peppers, greens, potatoes, and more. And it's still continuing. Today I came home to find a big bag of turnips left out front by Charlie Grizzle, some of which we had with our supper. The jar holds homemade apple butter given to me today by Aunt Wanda, who I met for lunch along with Judy and Nila. It was a little birthday present and I sure will enjoy it!
Here's a picture I took earlier this summer just because everything was so pretty.

And here's a picture of Barbara holding the biggest cabbage either of us had ever seen. She took this one home for Aunt Doretta. We were certainly grateful for the bounty from our neighbors, and I for one am already looking forward to next year!

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